

Norwalk City School District
Hours: 7:30am – 4:00pm
134 Benedict Ave.
Norwalk, OH 44857

Public Education

"The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people and be willing to bear the expenses of it. There should not be a district of one mile square, without a school in it, not founded by a charitable individual, but maintained at the public expense of the people themselves."
                                                                                                            - John Adams, September 10, 1785


Welcome to the Norwalk City School District's Treasurer’s page. The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the school district and reports directly to the Board of Education. Primary responsibilities of this office include:
         Preparation and Maintenance of Annual Budget
         Financial Forecasting
         Employee Payroll and  Benefits
         Accounts Payable - Purchasing - Receipts
       Financial Reporting
         Local, State and Federal Funds
         Inventory of District Assets
         Public Records
         Board Meeting Minutes 

The Treasurer's Office prepares the five year forecast in consultation with the Board and Superintendent. This forecast is filed with the state of Ohio in November and updated in May of each year. The most recent five year forecast is posted on this page.   Notes accompany the forecast and are an integral part of understanding the assumptions used to forecast the district’s financial future. I encourage you to review both the forecast and accompanying notes so you might better understand the financial position of the district.

I hope that this site and the information provided here is useful to you. I welcome you to contact me should you have any questions relating to information provided on this page at (419) 668-2779 or by email at [email protected].

Joyce Dupont, Treasurer
Norwalk City School District 

Treasurer's Office Staff

Heidi Heitsche
Accounts Payable
Karen Wiedemann 

Sharon Myers
EMIS Coordinator

FY23 Financial Statements

View the audited fy23 financial statements for Norwalk City School District. 

Fair School Funding Plan

The Fair School Funding Plan has been incorporated into the 2 year State of Ohio budget (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025) and updated to a 50% phase in for fy23 and a 66% phase in for fy24 that partially funds school districts.  

Your Property Taxes at Work

School Funding Article

The Norwalk City School District is funded with state, local and federal funds. Click for the Norwalk Reflector Visiting Viewpoints article on school funding.

5 Year Forecast

Test your knowledge of the Five Year Forecast.  
Click Fun with the Forecast to play a Kahoot game that was shared at the May 2023 Board of Education meeting with the Board and attendees. 
Below you will find links to the Norwalk City School District 5-Year Forecast. The 5-Year Forecast is a state required report. It contains the previous three years of general fund revenues and expenditures and an estimate of the next five upcoming years. Please also review the attached notes that document the assumptions in the forecast.

Click here to view any public school district's 5 Year Forecast at the Ohio Department of Education.   Archived forecasts are also available.


Records Retention Schedule

Click here for Norwalk City School District's approved Records Retention Schedule.

Permanent Improvement Levy

Thank you to the Norwalk City School District voters for supporting the 3 mill Permanent Improvement Continuing Levy on the November 8, 2016 ballot.

Norwalk City School District is pleased to partner with the Ohio Treasurer of State to present the at no cost to the district. This website allows users to see checkbook level expenses over multiple years.   
View text-based website