Welcome to the Norwalk City School District's Treasurer’s page. The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the school district and reports directly to the Board of Education. Primary responsibilities of this office include:
Preparation and Maintenance of Annual Budget
Financial Forecasting
Employee Payroll and Benefits
Accounts Payable - Purchasing - Receipts
Financial Reporting
Local, State and Federal Funds
Inventory of District Assets
Public Records
The Treasurer's Office prepares the five year forecast in consultation with the Board and Superintendent. This forecast is filed with the state of Ohio in November and updated in May of each year. The most recent five year forecast is posted on this page. Notes accompany the forecast and are an integral part of understanding the assumptions used to forecast the district’s financial future. I encourage you to review both the forecast and accompanying notes so you might better understand the financial position of the district.
I hope that this site and the information provided here is useful to you. I welcome you to contact me should you have any questions relating to information provided on this page at (419) 668-2779 or by email at [email protected].
Joyce Dupont, Treasurer
Norwalk City School District