The Ohio operating standards define “gifted” as students who perform or show potential for
performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age,
experience, or environment and who are identified under section 3324.03 of the Ohio Revised
Categories of Identification
Ohio law requires districts to identify students in grades K-12 in the following categories:
*Superior Cognitive Ability
*Creative Thinking Ability
*Specific Academic Ability
*Visual and Performing Arts Ability
*Social Studies
*Visual Arts
Screening and Assessment
A student is screened for gifted identification when he or she is evaluated using a state-approved
instrument for gifted identification. A student in any grade level may be individually referred by
a teacher, parent, the student, or a peer for screening and possible gifted identification per state
guidelines. Referral Forms may be found on the district website or obtained in any school office.
The district will provide whole-grade screening opportunities for all students in Grade 2 and
Grade 5 in the areas of superior cognitive ability using the Cognitive Abilities Test. Specific
academic ability in math and reading are measured with The Iowa Assessments. Students who
obtain a cognitive score of 112 or higher will also be screened for creative thinking ability with
a state-approved rating scale.
Any student in grades K-12 may be individually referred for gifted identification testing for up... read more here...